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Secrets of the Office Guru

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This Is The Course That’s Chock – Full Of Practical, Productivity-Boosting Tips, Tricks, And Skills That Will Turn Experienced Microsoft Office Users Into Gurus

Question: What Can Savvy Microsoft Office Users Do To Improve Their Skills – Without Having To Comb Through Hours Of Information That They Already Know To Find Those Few Useful Gems Of Knowledge?

We asked some of the world’s office experts to divulge their best-kept secrets and nuggets of knowledge to create the course that will deliver the most useful information to the people who consider themselves experienced Microsoft Office users.

Think you’re a Microsoft Office expert? Test your knowledge in these 26 short, convenient modules highlighting the most useful aspects from our Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Power-Up PowerPoint courses.

Tips and Skills Include:

  • How to make your Word documents have a more polished, professional look
  • Best Practices for Managing Cells In Word
  • Mastering Excel’s Data Sorting and Filtering Tools
  • How to Edit Pictures and Use Animations in PowerPoint

Note: These modules are highlights from our Word 2010, Excel 2010, PowerPoint 2010, and Power Up PowerPoint courses. For a more in-depth look at any features covered here, be sure to check out those courses.

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