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Microsoft Planner Essentials (2021)

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  • Discuss the relationship between Plans, Cards, Buckets, and Labels
  • Describe how Planner works with the Office 365 Groups app
  • Create Tasks and Assign them to others
  • Review deadlines and progress with Charts and the Dashboard

Learn how to use Office 365 Planner to organize your team and their tasks using a powerfully simple visual format

The Planner tool in Office 365 is a powerful team management tool, providing features comparable to standalone project management apps, but without the high price tag. In fact, Planner is free with most Office 365 Business plans.

What does Planner do and how can teams use it effectively to delegate and manage tasks? In this “Uniquely Engaging” TM course from Bigger Brains, we’ll look at key features of Planner.

Topics covered include:

  • Learning how Planner can manage your workload
  • Using features such as Plans, Cards, Buckets, and Labels
  • Learning how Planner works with the Office 365 Groups app
  • Creating Tasks and Assigning them to others
  • Reviewing deadlines and progress with Charts and the Dashboard
  • Creating and managing Plans
  • Learning the strengths and risks of the Planner tool, and what Microsoft is working to improve

This course offers high-quality HD content in the “Uniquely Engaging”TM Bigger Brains Teacher-Learner style!

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