Brain Bites - GDPR Essentials
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- Describe the purpose of the GDPR
- Identify who must comply with the GDPR
- Define key terms used in the GDPR
- List individual’s data privacy rights under the GDPR
- Identify the 7 Data Protection Principles of the GDPR
- Identify the primary enforcers of the GDPR
- List the financial penalties for non-compliance of the GDPR (2 tiers)
- Differentiate between data protection by design and data protection by default
- Describe the role of a Data Protection Officer (DPO)
- List practical steps for remaining compliant under the GDPR
Learn valuable information about the GDPR, its significance for U.S. businesses, and how it compares to other privacy laws.
We live and conduct business within a global digital landscape. Because of that, it’s important that organizations become familiar with the key provisions and principles of the GDPR.
In this course, you’ll learn the principles of data protection that the GDPR is built upon as well as the data rights of individuals that stem from those principles. You’ll learn about businesses’ responsibility when processing the personal data of EU citizens. You’ll also learn about the risks of and the penalties for non-compliance.