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Brain Bites – Excel Dynamic Arrays

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  • Define dynamic array functions
  • List the characteristics of dynamic arrays
  • Use the seven new dynamic array functions
  • List the benefits of using dynamic arrays
  • Recognize potential issues and errors
  • Identify best practices
  • Use nesting functionality with dynamic array functions

Once you learn the basics of this new functionality, you will never work in Excel the same way again!

Dynamic Array functions resolve many of the issues we often face in Excel, and they make it easier to do tasks that have traditionally been difficult, even for veteran Excel users. In this fast-paced course you will learn the characteristics of these new functions and learn how to use each of the seven new functions. You’ll also learn best practices, and how to avoid a few pitfalls as well.

Learn how to create and use the new UNIQUE, SORT, SORTBY, FILTER, RANDARRAY, TRANSPOSE, and SEQUENCE functions. You’ll also see how to nest these functions with each other as well as with non-array functions, and learn how this functionality applies to other functions as well. By the end of this course, you will be amazed how this fundamental change in how Excel runs and performs calculations will help you streamline your spreadsheets. 

Topics covered include:

  • Defining dynamic array functions
  • Listing the characteristics of dynamic arrays
  • Using the seven new dynamic array functions
  • Listing the benefits of using dynamic arrays
  • Recognizing potential issues and errors
  • Identifying best practices
  • Using nesting functionality with dynamic array functions

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