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Get Started
  • Navigate the interface including creating and saving workbooks, quickly accessing commands, and selecting and entering data
  • Perform calculations using formulas and functions
  • Insert and delete rows and columns
  • Apply formatting to text, numbers, and cells including Conditional Formatting, Comparative Analysis Formatting, Cell Styles, and Themes
  • Control how your worksheets print using Page Layout options, Page Breaks, and Headers and Footers
  • Manage multiple worksheets within a workbook including adding, removing, renaming, reordering, copying, and color-coding worksheets
  • Use multiple View features to compare multiple workbooks, compare worksheets, or save Custom Views
  • Customize your instance of Excel including adding Groups to the Ribbon and modifying the Quick Access Toolbar

There are two kinds of people: Those who are masters at Excel 365, and those who wish they were

When you master Excel 365, you have one of the most practical and valuable skillsets in modern business. A spreadsheet guru can work wonders—from organizing lists; to creating multi-layered, interactive reports; to answering critical business questions like ROI, budget allocations, expense tracking, and more. This course is your first step towards becoming an expert at using Excel 365.

Topics covered include:

  • Navigating the interface
  • Creating and saving workbooks
  • Selecting and entering data
  • Performing calculations
  • Formatting data
  • Managing multiple worksheets
  • Customizing your options

Over four hours of high-quality HD content in the “Uniquely Engaging”TM Bigger Brains Teacher-Learner style!

ATS eLearning
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